Process basic terminology
- Process
Usually refers to process definition, which is a sequence composed of activities and transitions, representing the execution process of business activities.
- Activity
The nodes that make up the process, the type of activity can be divided into manual type, automatic type, script type or a sub-process, usually a name set to complete a business item (or work item).
- Transition
The line between two activities is called a transition, which indicates that the process transitions from the current state to a certain state in the future.
- Sub Process
If a process is set as an active node, then the process is called a sub-process in this main process.
- Gateway
It is used to select or merge multiple branches of the process flow. Generally, there are parallel gateways (Parallel Gateway), inclusive gateways (Inclusive Gateway) and exclusive gateways (Exclusive Gateway).
- Event
An event represents something that happens during a process, usually triggered by some external factors, thus changing the flow of the process.
- Process Instance
A process instance is a specific execution of the process definition. The relationship between the process instance and the process definition is like the relationship between classes and objects in object-oriented programming. The process definition plays the role of the class, and the process instance plays the role of the object.
- Activity Instance
An activity instance refers to an instance of a specific execution of an activity node. Its relationship with the activity node is similar to the relationship between a process and a process instance.
- Task
A task refers to distributing the execution of an activity instance to a specific user identity, and the user completes the task.
- Transition Instance
A transfer instance refers to a data instantiation of a transfer connection object. A transfer instance usually includes the context of the source activity and the target activity.