Branches and merges are usually created as a whole code fragment, as shown below, a flow chart of two branches is created, and there are two task nodes on each branch. The complete code fragment example is as follows:



() => pmb.Branch(

() => pmb.Task("task-010"),

() => pmb.Task("task-011")


, () => pmb.Branch(

() => pmb.Task("task-020"),

() => pmb.Task("task-021")




The graphic screenshot is as follows:

1) Split (): Create branch nodes

Parameters: (activityName, activityCode)

2) Parallels (): external method to create multiple branches


(params Func<ProcessModelBuilder>[] branches)

Description: Parameter branches represents a combination of branch lists. A parallel mode can be composed of multiple branches. Params represents a variable parameter list keyword.

3) Branch (): specific branch creation method

parameter :

( params Func<ProcessModelBuilder>[] nodes)

Description: The parameter nodes represents the combination of node lists. A branch can consist of multiple nodes. params represents the variable parameter list keywords.

4) Join (): Create a merge node

Parameters: (activityName, activityCode)

Note: Merges and branches usually appear in pairs to express decision-making branch selection patterns.